

segunda-feira, 18 de março de 2013

Se fôssemos insetos teríamos essas carinhas...

Colourful: Using macro photography, Polish photographer Ireneusz Irass Waldzik, 29, has captured these stunning close-up images of flies and wasps

Technicolour: The stunning images show us what everyday bugs would look like if we could come face to face with them

Technicolour: The stunning images show us what everyday bugs would look like if we could come face to face with them 
Technicolour: The stunning images show us what everyday bugs would look like if we could come face to face with them

Fluorescent: This bug particularly stands out from the crowd with his glowing green eyes

Looking for perfection: The photographer, from a small village in south eastern Poland, says that he is still learning his trade and hopes to perfect his technique and lighting.

Exposure: The photographer's fascinating collection of images have been viewed more than 85,000 times online

Exposure: The photographer's fascinating collection of images have been viewed more than 85,000 times online 
Exposure: The photographer's fascinating collection of images have been viewed more than 85,000 times online

Bright eyes: This bug, with a salmon coloured face and mostly green and black eyes, looks as if it is flashing a grin for the camera

Bulging eyes: This stunning bright blue bug has giant eyes protruding from the side of its head

Other-worldly: Though some of the creatures may look like they are from other planets, they are in fact far more mundane than that

 This bug looks like it has dozens of eyes

Photographer Ireneusz Irass Waledzik 
Imagens by  Ireneusz Irass Waldzik

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